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  Taiji Qigong Shibashi

Meditation in motion

(original form)

What is Qigong?


Qigong is the work of the energy (Qi) circulating inside oneself for a better health.  The objective in practicing slow and flowing movements is to harmonise and unify the body, the respiration and the mind.

Taiji Qigong Shibashi
Taiji Qigong Shibashi



- Taiji Qigong Shibashi set 1 (Shibashi =  18 movements).  Coming soon - set 2 and Elite (set 8 Jing Hua Ban 精华版)



- Shaolin Qigong postures



- Meditations



Note : Each form can be done standing or siting.

Shibashi demonstration by Professeur Lin Housheng

Set one,  form one

Starting the form and regulating respiration

Set one,  form two

Opening the chest

Set one,  form three

Creating a rainbow

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